Thursday, May 19, 2011


Once again I am slapped back into reality... when you think someone is changing or will have a change of heart you are slapped back into reality.. This brings back to an awesome post that a friend put up a few months ago ...
Want to get on my nerves? Tell everyone on FB that you're a blessed Christian, yet spew venom about people to make it sound as if you're "holier than thou" self is telling the truth.

To those that help others unconditionally, with no publicity agenda and quietly pray at night, you have my 120% support.

This is how exactly I feel at the moment. I don'd understand these people. Christianity is not about putting up a front for certain people but under the table you are doing far worse. WE are all brothers and sisters and need to act as such. There is no need to nastyness against a person. No matter what they did to you or didnt do for you.

1 comment:

  1. This is true! The bible says we are to see our enemies as white as snow... forgiven, just as He forgave us! Amen sista!
