Thursday, March 31, 2011

Selena... My Childhood Idol

I can remember being in my friend Christina's room... putting in the cassette in the cassette player (..I know cassettes I'm old).. and just going crazy dancing to Selena's music.... Haha I even remembered one day referring to her butt saying... Omg Christina she has such a big butt... and her saying... "Ana don't say that because God is going to give you a big butt for judging her" lol... (hahaha) ... and then I had my friend Sandra who took being a fan of Selena to another level... she was in my opinion the biggest fan... from having all her cassettes... to her posters all over her wall... to even dressing like her.... Selena was our brittney spears.. our Spicy Girl... our Justin Beber... lol ... we connected to her because she was like us.. caramel colored skin...  she spoke spanish but also spoke english... and then that day happened... I remember hearing about the news from a radio playing at a mechanic mom was having work done on our caravan... everyone ran to the radio ... Selena Quintanilla had been shot... and then a few hours late... Selena Quintanilla has passed away ... I remember spending the night at Sandra's house and all we talked about was.. how we couldnt believe it.. watching news specials on her life... it was tragic.. such a young life ripped out of her... and now 16 years later ..her fans still remember her ... she still lives in our hearts in our homes .. in our music... whenever we hear her songs we still remember every lyric... every pause... every smile...

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

I'm ready to settle down now... but I am not going to settle for less

When you are a little girl you dream of the day when you will find your prince charming that will sweep you off your feet and you will live happily ever after ... nothing else will matter... as long as you have love.... fast forward about 20 years and now... you think about those simple times and smile and say...silly girl... if it only was that simple... With those twenty years I know I have aquired a vast knowledge of what I want and need in husband... its not about just love anymore ... I have gone through struggles and turmoils that only life will give you but I have been given so much more knowledge about who I am and what I need. First off, I need a man who is tuned into God. Knows him and fears him. God has always been a part of my life, he has blessed me in every way possible in life... I want someone who not only loves him..but take me into a deeper relationship with God. Second I need a man who can stand on their own two feet, a man's man. In life sometimes we dont know what were are suppose to do there is no road carved out for us, we have to be able to roll up our sleeves and get dirty and make our own road. But with that said, I also need someone who will be able to ask for help when needed. God made us human, which means we are not perfect and we will never be. We should be humble enough to say, I need you please help me.Another thing is that man needs to be educated. Like someone once told me, God has given doctors the ability to make the ugly pretty and the fatties skinny but remember cant fix stupid...hahaha..blunt but true.. I want a man that I can hold a conversation with ...someone who will entice my mind ... make me ponder..make me research... make me want to expand my horizons ...  You can be pretty but if you don't intrigue me you will bore me... (bluntness but true) ... with all this said this is what I NEED...because I know I am not perfect too but this are the basic necessities for me... God knows my heart and knows the struggles that I have overcome... I am not you everyday woman .. I have overcome obstacles I have built my own bridges ... I need a man to stand by me... not in front or behind me... I need my equal ... God only knows what he has in store for .. but this list is my road map ..

"I'm selfish, impatient and a little insecure. I make mistakes, I am out of control and at times hard to handle. But if you can't handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell don't deserve me at my best."
Marilyn Monroe

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

"suck the head; pinch the tail"..says the Crawfishholic

March is the time of year when crawfisholics come out of hiding... and I ...Ana...  am ... one of them! lol! I have always loved crawfish ettouffee but never had I experience a crawfish boil until ...David most graciously introduced to them... omg first try and I was hooked... The garlicer the better.. the spicier the better... ever since then every mid spring I emerge myself to friday nights at Ragin Cajun with a bucket to one side and fanta strawberry at the other.... I feel my southern belle coming out every time we have crawfish... I might not look like a southern belle while eating them but in my heart ... i FEEL it! ;) !...omg....i just thought of something... i have a deep cut in my left index finger... eeeek... thats going to sting... (mental note .. buy gloves) ... today I venture in wikipedia and I read up a little bit on crawfish... and I read that you can also keep them as a pet... and then I thought back to Finding Nemo... the little guy who spoke french and would clean the tank has to be a crawdaddy...u know the one who say's ..."I am ashamed" lol ... now...I want one... and I want to name him Bubba... or Bob ... wouldn't that be awesome.... I know I know ..
this girl has....
 a. too much time to think..
2.she's CRAZY....

maybe I am ...but who cares... we only live once... and I want to live my life with as much animals as possible to love and adore...even if its a crawdaddy...

Bubba ----> (well an example of what I want) ;)

watcha think?

Dont Be Sad, You Whiny Bitches -GOGP

HaHa a little explicit for a Tuesday Morning Huh?! lol I know! 

But that quote has been in my head for the last few days... its from the movie Ghosts of Girlfriends Past. The last few days I've been going through some stuff and well I've had to think of stuff to make myself laugh to forget and move on. This has done the trick. Along with having a great friend to rant to... haha ...

What this quote did to me was think

1. Its not that bad it could be worse and
2 even if it was theres no reason to be sad or worry every thing will be worked out by God

We go through our day to day lives... always thinking of the well if I had this then I would be soooo happy... and If had this ... blah lah blah... whine whine whine... if you want this... well hey guess what... work for it.... do something about it... I read this other quote the other day...If you want something different... do something different ... because if you keep doing the same thing time and time again...your result will always be the same ... no?! I know I must put this into drive... I need change in my life... no more whining ... more doing.... no more tantrums  ...more executing of plans...

Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see. Hebrews 11:1
(not the way you would expect the blog to end with the title... but this is what its all about) ;) ...(this is pretty much me in a nutshell)

Monday, March 28, 2011

End of an Era... lol...too serious how about the end of Watagatapitusberry lol

Last week I ended my long term relationship with the "berry"! eek I know can you believe it?! I still can't the berry and I had been inseperable for the last 4 years. 2 Years with Tmobile and then another 2 years with Verizon... It's been a hard adjustment ...well... a hard 2 days... but I have a new friend lol...the Samsung Galaxy...and well its still a new relationship ..the honeymoon stage of our relationship... but boy am I glad to be in the new "in" technology. The awesome new apps... the colors... the soft strokes ... its my new baby... I'm still working out all the new technology... but I like it.. I've taken a few pics with it the quality is awesome... the only downside is...NO FLASH... I know... I don't get it either... you have an application that you dont have to go to the bank to cash a check but there is nothing with a flash... a little disappointing dontcha think? Especially me who loves to take pics of my little fatties ...aka chacho and stellies... taking candid pictures of David and then blackmailing him with them... taking pics of delicious food... hello... not all restaurants are well lit... lol.. o well I will have to learn to adjust. Today was the first day I didn't tote along the berry as a contact lets see how it goes... If I do ask you who this is on text... don't assume I dont love you its just that I got a new love! lol!